Keeping it in the Family
May 30, 2021After winning the opening round of the APBA Offshore Championship Series in Cocoa Beach, Scott Free Racing has momentum on their side and a big change for Round 2 in Lake of the Ozarks this weekend. The typical tag line “father-son duo” will now be “father-daughter duo” as Kaley Kildahl will join her dad inside the cockpit as Stephen will be at a wedding in New Jersey. The roles Kaley & Steve will play inside the cockpit of the #2 Boatfloater.com Modified Vee will be determined this weekend depending on the competition and water conditions.
“It’s going to be tough missing the race and not being there to support my sister,” said Stephen. “Lake Race is always a big event for us as it’s our sponsor’s backyard and lots of people from Boat Floater Industries will be there to cheer my dad & sister on.”
In preparation for her debut, Kaley completed her safety capsule training and has been testing with the team in Sarasota to get acclimated with everything inside the cockpit and get a feeling for what it will be like on the race course. “I was extremely excited when I found out my brother wouldn’t be able to make the race and jumped at the opportunity to step in. I’ve been around racing for as long as I can remember. I love the sport and supporting my dad and brother,” said Kaley.
For veteran throttleman Steve Kildahl, this race is very special and important. Over the past 36 years of his racing career, he has raced with multiple family members and adding his daughter to the list is special. “I watched Kaley dabble into boat racing back when the Mercury Water Mouse program allowed kids to race and now to have her join me inside the cockpit means a lot,” said Steve. “After a great run in Cocoa Beach and leaving with the points lead, there is a little added pressure, but Kaley has been around the sport for a long time and we’ll do great together.”
Scott Free Racing has a long history in the sport of offshore and this weekend will be another milestone in the family tradition. “My dad has a lot of experience and I feel very confident having him beside me. I am excited for race day and look forward to carrying on the tradition,” said Kaley.
All the activities start Friday at the Bagnell Dam with the popular street party and then racing action on Saturday!
Learn more about Scott Free Racing at www.scottfreeracing.com and on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.